904 Программируемый поворотный привод
The Eclipse Programmable Rotary Actuator is a keypad programmable, direct coupled, modulating motor for use in burner and valve control systems. It is typically used with an electronic control to regulate a process temperature. The drive shaft of the actuator connects to a butterfly valve stem, which rotates 90 degrees from minimum to maximum position.
923 Многофункциональный тестер SimaFlame
The Eclipse SimaFlame is a multifunctional tester that simulates flame rod or UV scanner flame signals to all major brand combustion safeguard controls. It also functions as a current loop checker. Simaflame provides a variable 4-20 milliamp output and can read 4-20mA inputs at 5 signal levels indicated by lights on the front face. These functions make this tool ideal for troubleshooting combustion control systems, including the temperature control loop.
960 Термопары
Featuring Magnesium Oxide mineral insulation and encased in a fully an¬nealed stainless steel sheath. The rugged construction makes them more durable, faster responding and capable of higher temperatures.
970 Системы видеонаблюдения CCTV
- Standard and custom-engineered systems
- Heat-resistant camera package with air, water, and oxygen cooling options
- Selectable lens angle and field of view pattern options
- Includes video cassette recorder and monitor
- Retraction system protects CCTV equipment from damage from power or cooling system failure
- Fail-safe operating features
975 Измеритель уровня стекла Comax II
Eclipse is the exclusive global distributor for the Courser Inc. Comax II Laser Level gauge. Ideal for measuring glass levels, to within (0.002").